Discover when your Border Collie will Calm Down and How to Manage their Energy!


Discover when your Border Collie will Calm Down and How to Manage their Energy!

When Do Border Collies Calm Down? Are you the proud owner of a border collie, or are you considering getting one? If so, you’re probably aware that these intelligent and active dogs require plenty of exercises and mental stimulation. But when do they finally settle down?

This article will explore when border collies start to calm down, their activity levels when fully grown, and how to best manage their energy when young. We’ll also provide tips for providing your border collie with the exercise and mental stimulation needed to remain happy and healthy throughout its lifetime. So if you’re interested in learning more about when your beloved pup will finally reach a calmer state – read on!

When Do Border Collies Calm Down?


Border collies are intelligent, energetic, and loyal dogs that make excellent companions. These breeds are known for their herding instinct and for being hard-working animals with an affinity for work. But given these dogs’ intelligence and energy levels, many owners may wonder when they will calm down. 


The truth is that while Border collies can become calmer as they age, there is no exact age at which they will begin to slow down. Every dog is different, and a variety of factors go into determining when or if a Border collie will become calmer. Nevertheless, here are some clues that can help you determine when your Border collie might be settling into calm adulthood: 


Age-Related Changes 


Like most breeds, Border collies experience physical changes related to ageing. While this process starts around the two-year mark, it starts to kick in around three or four years old. During this period, you will start seeing physical changes in your pet, such as weight gain, greying fur and slower movements. As a result, many owners report noticing their pup becoming more relaxed around this period. 


Personality Traits 


In addition to age-related changes, certain personality traits often indicate when a border collie may calm down. These include: 


  •  Reduced energy level: If your pup suddenly seems less interested in running and playing than before, it could signify that he/she is getting ready to settle down into adulthood. 


  •  More interest in relaxing activities: Has your pup started taking more interest in sleeping on the couch or snuggling with you? If so, it could mean he/she is becoming more content with his/her environment and life, which can lead to them or becoming calmer overall. 


  •  Less herding behaviour: As these dogs mature, they become less interested in herding activities, such as chasing after the family cat or trying to herd other children or pets in the home. This indicates that they are finally learning to settle into a peaceful existence without needing constant activity or stimulation throughout the day. 


Exercise & Training Strategies For Slowing Down Your Border Collie’s Energy Levels 


For your border collie to start calming down, we recommend engaging them in regular exercise activities and training them on basic obedience and impulse control commands such as sit/stay/come etc. Doing so can help reduce stress levels which can have an overall calming effect on these pups over time. Here are some suggestions for exercises & training strategies you can use:  


  •  Long walks/runs: Taking your pup on long walks or runs each day helps tire them out physically, reducing stress levels and thus promoting mental and physical relaxation.  


  •  Mental Stimulation Activities: Providing mental stimulation activities such as puzzles, hide-and-seek games can help keep their mind active and prevent boredom that could lead to destructive behaviours  


  •  Obedience Training Classes: Enrolling your pup in obedience classes teaches them important commands as well as socialisation skills that allow them to learn how to interact with people & animals properly without getting overly excited  


  •  Impulse Control Exercises: Regularly practising impulse control exercises such as sit/stay/come teaches them how better handle themselves during stressful situations by controlling their body language & actions rather than reacting impulsively   



While there is no exact age at which border collies will start calming down, some clues, such as age-related changes combined with certain personality traits, may tell us if our pup may be settling into adulthood peacefully soon enough! Additionally, providing regular exercise & training opportunities helps promote relaxation & calmness within our fur buddy, thus aiding its transition into peaceful adulthood!


If you’ve got a border collie in your life and want to ensure that they remain happy and healthy through its lifetime, get them insured with today! With our comprehensive coverage plans and competitive prices, you can rest assured that your furry friend is protected against unforeseen health or medical expenses for years to come. Get your pet insured with us today and help give them the best chance at a long, happy life!




Disclaimer: Sorry to be boring, but just like humans, all pets are different, some pets love nuts, and some are allergic! While we provide great tips, tricks and advice, the content of this website is for educational purposes only and may not suit your pet. Please check with your vet before following any information on this site :) stay safe and look after your fluffy family members, and your pets!  *Article that have been checked by a vet will show a small tick and "vet approved" by the side of the article 



Disclaimer: Sorry to be boring, but just like humans, all pets are different, some pets love nuts, and some are allergic! While we provide great tips, tricks and advice, the content of this website is for educational purposes only and may not suit your pet. Please check with your vet before following any information on this site :) stay safe and look after your fluffy family members, and your pets!  *Article that have been checked by a vet will show a small tick and "vet approved" by the side of the article 

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