Caring For Your Pet Rabbit’s Broken Leg: Signs, Diagnosis & Treatment


Caring For Your Pet Rabbit’s Broken Leg: Signs, Diagnosis & Treatment


If you’re a pet rabbit owner, you must be aware of the risks and dangers that can threaten your beloved furry friend. A broken rabbit leg can occur due to falls, being hit by cars or even jumping too high. In this article, we’ll discuss how to identify signs and symptoms of a broken leg in rabbits, diagnose it correctly and provide quality treatment and care for your pet rabbit’s injury. Additionally, we’ll highlight some ways how you can prevent future fracture incidents from happening with your bunny companion. Stay tuned as we cover all these topics!

Broken Rabbit Leg: An Overview


Rabbits are beloved animals that make wonderful and entertaining pets. Unfortunately, they can suffer from various medical issues, some of which are more serious than others. One of the most serious injuries is a broken rabbit leg, which can be excruciatingly painful for the animal and requires immediate medical attention.


Symptoms of Broken Rabbit Legs


Before seeking medical attention for your pet rabbit, it’s important to recognize the signs and symptoms of a broken leg. 

Here are some common indicators to look out for: 


  • Limping or difficulty walking 
  • Visible swelling or inflammation near the affected area 
  • Severe pain when the damaged area is touched 
  • Bruising or discolouration around the injured spot 
  • Lameness or unwillingness to move 
  • Loss of appetite or refusal to eat 

Causes of Broken Rabbit Legs


The exact cause of a broken rabbit leg can vary depending on many factors.

Some common causes include:  


  • Falls from high places, such as furniture or balconies 
  • Trauma from being stepped on by an owner or other person  
  • Being caught in sharp objects such as fences or cages 
  • Overextending their limbs while jumping or running around the house  

Treatments for Broken Rabbit Legs


Once your pet has been diagnosed with a broken leg, it’s important to seek immediate veterinary care. The best course of action will depend on the severity and location of the injury; some rabbits may require surgery, while others may only need rest and medication. Here are some potential treatments:  



This may be necessary if internal damages cannot be treated any other way. It involves setting the bones back into place under anaesthesia and using pins and wires to hold them together while they heal. 



Splints can help immobilize weak muscles and prevent further damage during recovery time. They are usually made from plaster casts covering either one joint or both (depending on how severe).  



Painkillers can help reduce discomfort during recovery time, and antibiotics can help fight off any possible infections caused by open wounds (if present). Anti-inflammatory drugs may also be prescribed if there is swelling in the area.  


 Physical Therapy

Once your rabbit has healed enough, physical therapy sessions may be recommended by your veterinarian to help strengthen weak muscles and increase mobility over time. This should only be done under supervision so as not to strain your pet too much at once.  


Prevention of Broken Rabbit Legs


The best way to avoid broken legs in rabbits is through prevention!

Here are a few tips that can help keep your pet safe:  


  • Make sure they have plenty of space indoors where they won’t jump off furniture or balcony rails accidentally.  
  • Ensure all sharp objects like fences/cages are secure, so bunnies don’t get stuck in them while running outside. 
  • Always supervise when playing with small children who may unintentionally injure them while trying to pick them up (or step on them!).  
  • Provide safe toys for exercise indoors, such as tunnels/hops/ladders that prevent overextension of their limbs without putting too much strain on their bodies.   
  • Keep up with regular vet check-ups so any underlying health issues can be identified early on before they lead to more serious problems (such as broken legs).

Wrap Up


Broken legs in rabbits can be a serious issue if not treated properly and quickly. It’s important to recognize the signs and symptoms of a broken leg and take steps to prevent it from happening in the first place. If your pet rabbit suffers an injury that you think could be a fracture, seek medical attention immediately so they can get the best care possible. With proper treatment and aftercare, your rabbit should be able to recover fully!


If you have a pet rabbit, it’s important to ensure they are properly covered in an unexpected medical emergency. At, comprehensive insurance plans for all your beloved pets cover both routine and emergency care. With the right coverage, you can rest assured knowing your furry friend is taken care of.




Disclaimer: Sorry to be boring, but just like humans, all pets are different, some pets love nuts, and some are allergic! While we provide great tips, tricks and advice, the content of this website is for educational purposes only and may not suit your pet. Please check with your vet before following any information on this site :) stay safe and look after your fluffy family members, and your pets!  *Article that have been checked by a vet will show a small tick and "vet approved" by the side of the article 



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Disclaimer: Sorry to be boring, but just like humans, all pets are different, some pets love nuts, and some are allergic! While we provide great tips, tricks and advice, the content of this website is for educational purposes only and may not suit your pet. Please check with your vet before following any information on this site :) stay safe and look after your fluffy family members, and your pets!  *Article that have been checked by a vet will show a small tick and "vet approved" by the side of the article 

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